A Recap of Our 2018 Winter Meeting in Dana Point

Our 2018 Winter meeting was held on Saturday, February 24 at the Salt Creek Grille in Dana Point, with 38 members and guests in attendance. Governor Scarlett Gathings Shepherd presided. We were pleased that First Arizona Company Governor Richard Burke could join us.

Our speaker, Cheri Mello, Family Tree DNA Administrator, discussed Deciphering the DNA Soup, as follows:

Family Tree DNA provides powerful interactive tools to help find your DNA matches, trace your lineage through time and determine family connections. It can help you break through brick walls.  You can use the following types of DNA for genealogy:

  1. Y-DNA: A male carrying the surname that you wish trace will be taking this type of DNA test. Traces the testee’s father’s line or the top of his pedigree chart; the testee’s strict paternal line.
  2. mtDNA: Either a male or female can take this type of DNA test.  Traces the testee’s mother’s line or the bottom of the pedigree chart.  The testee’s strict maternal line; all females, all the way.
  3. Autosomal DNA (Family Finder): Either a male or female can take this type of DNA test.  Traces ALL lines of the testee back approximately 200 years.

DNA Tidbits:

How much DNA do you have from your ancestors?

*  50% from your parents

*  25% from your grandparents

*  12.5% from your great-grandparents

*  6.25% from your 2 great-grandparents

*  3.125% from your 3 great-grandparents

*  1.5ish% from your 4 great-grandparents

Chaplain Sandra Orozco offered a memorial to deceased member Scott Krutilek.  He was a valuable member, a fine gentleman and a friend to the Society.  Several members shared their memories of Scott.  His wife, Sandy and their granddaughter, Kathleen Flaherty, were present and joined in the memorial.

Membership Chair Marty Sommercamp introduced seven prospective members who were among the guests.

We were reminded that next year the Society will have a major ceremony to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the first General Assembly in Jamestown. Its membership meeting will be held in Williamsburg on July 30, 2019, rather than on the customary May dates.

Jim McCall’s reports were distributed, including a summary of the Society’s 2019 commemorations, status of the continuing effort to Save the James, and of a new website feature with his request of members to submit two or three paragraphs telling what they know about any of their Qualified Ancestors, especially beyond what might be found in Adventures of Purse and Person and similar sources.

Governor Shepherd spoke about the Veterans Pins and the one that was given to John Cahoon at our Annual Meeting on last June 24.  He passed away July 31, and was buried with his pin from the Society attached to his Navy cap.

Lt. Governor Julie Plemmons reported that the Company’s Annual Meeting will be held on June 23, 2018, at the San Diego Yacht Club.

Treasurer Suzy Leif reported on the sound financial status of the Company.

We will again have a table at the Southern California Genealogy Society’s Jamboree on June 1. There will be two other genealogical societies alongside our table, which should help attract more visitors. The Governor, Jim Shepherd and Sandy Krutilek will represent our company.

NOTE: We are planning to revise our website and will want suggestions, comments and ideas from our members. We will be conducting an online survey in mid-to-late April seeking their help. Therefore, we urge them to visit and scroll through its pages and information to be prepared to respond to the survey.


This entry was posted in 2018 Annnual Meeting, 2018 Members Survet, 2018 Winter Meeting, 2019 Commemorations, Cheri Mello, DNA, Fall 2015 Meeting, First California Company, Genealogical Help, geneaology, In Memoriam, Jamestowne Society, Long Beach Yacht Club, Membership, New Members, News, Save the James, Scarlett Gathings Shepherd, SoCal Genealogical Jamboree, Winter Meeting. Bookmark the permalink.