Author Archives: The Editor

25th-anniversary meeting on June 22nd, 2024, Buena Park, CA

The First California Company of the Jamestown Society held its 25th-anniversary meeting on June 22nd, 2024. This was the first in-person meeting since the Fall 2023 meeting in Buena Park. We were blessed to have Dan Gamble of Jamestown Rediscovery … Continue reading

Posted in 2024 Summer Meeting, Agriculture, Buena Park, Dan Gamble, DNA, Farming, First California Company, Founders' Graves, Historic Jamestown, Historical Notes, Jamestown Rediscovery, Jamestown Rediscovery Society, New Members, Secrets from the vault, Virginia | Comments Off on 25th-anniversary meeting on June 22nd, 2024, Buena Park, CA

You Can Learn About Jamestowne Rediscovery Artifacts at Our February 26 Winter Meeting

On opening each issue of your Jamestowne Society magazine, you’ll see inside the front cover Merry Abbitt Outlaw’s feature, Secrets from the Vault. With each issue, she’s been describing some of the interesting artifacts that the Jamestowne Rediscovery team has … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 Winter Meeting, Artifacts, First California Company, Historic Jamestown, Jamestown Rediscovery, Merr y Abbitt Outlaw, News, Secrets from the vault, Uncategorized | Comments Off on You Can Learn About Jamestowne Rediscovery Artifacts at Our February 26 Winter Meeting

Professor Peter C. Mancall Presented at our 2021 virtual Fall Meeting

For our October 30 virtual Fall Meeting, First California Company welcomed Professor Peter Mancall of the University of Southern California, a world-renowned scholar of colonial New England and Virginia history, who enlightened us about the Indian Uprising of March 22, … Continue reading

Posted in 1622 Indian Uprising, 2021 Fall Meeting, Early American History, First California Company, Historical Notes, James Horn, Jamestowne Society, Peter Mancall, Powhatan Indians, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Professor Peter C. Mancall Presented at our 2021 virtual Fall Meeting

Our Fall 2021 Meeting Will Feature Professor Peter Mancall

The First California Company of the Jamestowne Society will hold its Fall 2021 meeting by Zoom at 11 AM on Saturday, 30 October 2021. Our speaker will be Professor Peter C. Mancall of the University of Southern California, whose work … Continue reading

Posted in 1622 Indian Attack, 2021 Fall Meeting, First California Company, Jamestowne Society, Long Beach Yacht Club, Peter Mancall, Powhatan Indians | Comments Off on Our Fall 2021 Meeting Will Feature Professor Peter Mancall

Our 2021 Annual Meeting Will Held Virtually on Saturday, June 5

Unfortunately, any good news about reducing the pandemic restrictions is coming too late to plan a face-to-face gathering for our customary major June event. First California Company will hold its 2021 Annual meeting virtually on Saturday, June 5 at 11:00 … Continue reading

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Our Winter Meeting Will Be Held Virtually On February 20

First California Company will hold its 2021 Winter Meeting virtually on Saturday, Feb 20th at 11 am on Zoom. Jamie May, the Director of the Voorhees Archaearium Museum, Jamestowne Rediscovery Foundation will be our speaker. She will discuss Jamestowne Rediscovery: … Continue reading

Posted in 2021 Winter Meetimg, First California Company, Historic Jamestown, Jamestown Rediscovery Society, Jamestowne Society, Jamie May | Comments Off on Our Winter Meeting Will Be Held Virtually On February 20

Reconstructing the Barracks

As you may know, our Society continues to support the Jamestowne Rediscovery Foundation in its archaeological research to help us better understand the lives and experiences of our ancestors. Most recently, we have made a $75,000 grant for the reconstruction … Continue reading

Posted in 1607, 1608, Barracks, Historic Jamestown, Jamestowne Rediscovery, Jamestowne Society, News | Comments Off on Reconstructing the Barracks

We Have Cancelled the Program for Our June 27. 2020 Meeting

COVID-19 precautions have forced the cancellation of the program for our June 27 meeting, but we will convene our Annual Meeting online for members at 10 AM, as Governor Julie Plemmons gave them notice. Bonnie Hofmeyer, our Jamestowne Society Executive … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Annual Meeting, Elections, First California Company, Jamestowne Society, Julie Plemmons, News | Comments Off on We Have Cancelled the Program for Our June 27. 2020 Meeting

A New Jamestown Timeline

From its latest Facebook post, Jamestowne Rediscovery tells is how its Digital Initiatives team has created a new history timeline covering events from Jamestown’s earliest years, from previous exploration by the English to the founding of a permanent colony to … Continue reading

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Our 2020 Winter Meeting Was Held In Pasadena

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Society has cancelled all May Membership Meeting and events and advises that,  “Your health and safety is our highest priority and we feel this is the responsible action to take at this time.  We will be issuing … Continue reading

Posted in 1619, 1619 First General Assembly, 2020 Winter Meeting, 400 Anniversary of 1619, First Africans in 2019, First California Company, Julie Plemmons, New Members, News, Robert "Roy" Ritchie, Tobacco, Tobacco Wives, Uncategorized, Virginia Brides | Comments Off on Our 2020 Winter Meeting Was Held In Pasadena

We’ll Have a Special Treat at Our 2020 Winter Meeting in Pasadena

The First California Company of the Jamestowne Society will use 2020’s leap year day for a compelling Winter Meeting and Luncheon on Saturday, February 29. Our honored guest, Robert “Roy” Ritchie, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate at The Huntington Library, will … Continue reading

Posted in 1619, 2020 Winter Meeting, First Africans in 2019, First California Company, geneaology, Jamestowne Society, Julie Plemmons, Robert "Roy" Ritchie, Tobacco, Tobacco Wives, Uncategorized, Virginia, Virginia Brides | Comments Off on We’ll Have a Special Treat at Our 2020 Winter Meeting in Pasadena

We Held Our Fall 2019 Meeting in Solana Beach and Learned About the First Thanksgiving

Forty-four members, prospective applicants and guests were convened by Governor Julie Plemmons on Saturday, October 26 at Lomas Santa Fe Country Club in Solana Beach to initiate First California Company’s twenty-first year. Membership Chair Martha Pace Gresham introduced new members … Continue reading

Posted in 1619, 1619 First General Assembly, 2019 Fall Meeting, Berkeley Plantation, First California Company, Jamestowne Society, Julie Plemmons, Marty Sommercamp, New Members, Uncategorized | Comments Off on We Held Our Fall 2019 Meeting in Solana Beach and Learned About the First Thanksgiving