Upcoming Genealogical Fairs

By Ginny Gotlieb
Our Company will staff information tables at two genealogical events this spring to encourage membership in the Jamestowne Society.  Please let me know if you can provide a few hours to staff our booths.  My email is fccjamestownegov@gmail.com.  Also, please contact me if you have any of our printed brochures or bring them to the February meeting.
Escondido Family History Fair
The Escondido Family History Fair held March 5 includes a day of seminars free to the public. If you would like to register to attend, as well as giving some time at our table, view their website at http://www.familyhistoryfair.net.
Southern California Genealogical Society’s Jamboree
The biggest genealogical fair in the country is the Southern California Genealogical Society’s Jamboree, held this year in Burbank June 10-12, 2011.  We need multiple volunteers to cover our table from Friday afternoon through mid-afternoon Sunday.  The Jamboree has over one hundred excellent speakers and many exhibitors.  You need not register to volunteer in the exhibit hall.   If you would like to attend the programs, on one day or all three, information is found at  http://www.scgsgenealogy.com/2011jam-home.htm.  This year there will also be a Family History Writers Conference on Thursday.

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One Response to Upcoming Genealogical Fairs

  1. Jim McCall says:

    I am seeking help to staff our table at the Escondido Family Fair on Saturday, March 5.

    In addition to anyone who can join me, I’d also like input and suggestions for what materials should we have available (we will have our brochures), how should we present them, what questions should we anticipate (and answers to them).

    You can call me at (858) 755-3535 or e-mail me at jhmccall@roadrunner.com.


    Jim McCall

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