First California Company’s 2011 Annual Meeting

First California Company members enjoyed the view from a deck and dining room of the San Diego Yacht Club at the June 18, 2011 annual meeting.  A large Jamestowne Society banner and table flag, gifts from the national society, were displayed.

The Company brochure has been updated and reprinted.  Our thanks to Cathie Matranga, Martha Gresham, and Jim McCall for their work on this project.  If you would like copies to make available to other lineage organizations you are involved with or to place in a library, please contact Governor Ginny Gotlieb at

Members voted to reprint the roster of our current members.  Phyllis Kinzle, Harry Holgate, and Martha Murphy agreed to handle this project.
Other business items were minutes, budget approval, a report from the Governor’s Roundtable and the national spring luncheon and the decision to respond no to an inquiry from to link to them.  Joanne Murphy offered a Jamestowne day at the Del Mar Race Track to members.
Governor Gotlieb announced with great regret that Billy Pittard must resign as Editor of our online newsletter/blog.  (See the following post on Pittard’s appointment as chairman of Middle Tennessee State University’s Department of Electronic Media Communication.)  Jim McCall has agreed to take over this job. The blog is a timely, lively way for members to stay current, share information, and to know each other.  There is a comment link at the bottom of each post on the blog. All members are also encouraged to submit items of interest to
Members of the First California Company board and those in appointed positions were thanked for their hard work this year.  We have accomplished a lot!  The Board term extends until June 2012.  Please consider nominations (including yourself) for the next board and let Governor Gotlieb know of your interest.  The current Board is as follows:
Governor                               Ginny Gotlieb
Lt. Governor                         Cathie Matranga 

Secretary                               Linda Ramos

Treasurer                              Harry Holgate

Chaplain                                Pat Fleming

Membership                         Cathie Matranga

Councilors                            Joanne Murphy

                                                Sandy Krutilek
                                                Martha Gresham
                                                Barbara Skimina

Newsletter                            Jim McCall

Historian                              Tesa Gorszwick

Parliamentarian                 Martha Gresham

Invitations &                        Phyllis Kinzle          
Data Base Manager

The luncheon program was a four hundred year history of the Pace family from their origins in England to contemporary California.  Members Martha Gresham and Jim McCall prepared the program. (See the 8/29 blog post with information from this talk).
Speakers Martha Gresham and Jim McCall are presented certificates of appreciation by Governor Ginny Gotlieb.

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