Governor Scarlett Stahl convened First California Company’s fall 2016 meeting on November 12 at Knotts Berry Farm Hotel in Buena Park with 27 members, friends and guests attending. All officers and councilors were present, with the exception of Treasurer Suzanne Leif, Chaplain Sandra Orozco and Councilors Jim McCall and Anita Guenin.
Governor Stahl presided and reported as follows:
Our speaker was Professor Stewart Davenport, who received his Ph.D., in History from Yale University and is an Associate Professor of History at Pepperdine University.

Governor Scarlett Stahl with Professor Stewart Davenport, our speaker, and Lt. Governor Julie Plemmons. Both Scarlett and Julie are holding the tobacco leaves, which were grown and provided as decoration by Historian Jim Shepherd.
His presentation was on Tobacco in Colonial Virginia: From Boom to Bacon’s Rebellion. Table decorations included real dried tobacco leaves, which had been grown by our Historian, Jim Shepherd and little tobacco bags filled with candy, which were provided by former Governor Donna Derrick and Lieutenant Governor Julie Plemmons. [Ed. Note: Dr. Davenport’s remarks complemented Jim Shepherd’s recent account of his experience as our Company’s only tobacco planter.]
The first order of business was to ratify the Council’s appointment of Erica Hahn to serve as Secretary for the remainder of the 2016- 2018 term as successor to Michelle Chatelle, who had found it necessary to resign. Additionally, we ratified Suzanne Leif’s Council appointment to serve as Treasurer for the remainder of the term 2016-2018 as successor to David Grinnell, who also found it necessary to resign. Both motions were voted upon and adopted. We expressed our appreciation to both for their willingness to serve.
The minutes from the May 21 meeting had been emailed to all members and the Secretary received no corrections or additions. There were no objections, and the minutes were filed as approved.
Erica Hahn, Secretary, read the Treasurer’s Report as well as the proposed 2017 Budget in the absence of Treasurer Suzanne Leif. These were voted upon and adopted.
Chaplain for the Day, Claire Murphy, reported that our Chaplain, Sandra Orozco was home from the hospital after her fall.
Marty Sommercamp, Membership Chair, introduced two new members, Sally Shepherd Stovall and her seven-year-old nephew, Lucas Lapp.

Susan Shepherd Lapp, Sally Shepherd Stovall, Jim Shepherd (Historian) Scarlett Stahl (Governor) and Lucas Lapp at the new American Flag that was donated by the Shepherd Family.
The Shepherd family presented a new U.S. flag and pole and a matching pole for the Jamestowne Society Flag, as a gift to our First California Company, which was met with applause.
Parliamentarian Martha Gresham, as a member of the Bylaws Committee, presented amendments to our Bylaws, which were voted upon and adopted.
In Jim McCall’s absence, Jim Shepherd gave a status report on efforts to Save the James.
Jamestowne Society news: Jerry Zillion was re-elected Governor at the Society’s November 4 Fall Meeting. The Lieutenant Governor, Secretary, Auditor, Chaplain, Treasurer all were re-elected. About 4 others are new officers. Several new councilors were elected [Ed. Note: see the Society’s website.]
Anne Stokes Moore is no longer Companies’ Chair and is now Historian. She has been replaced by Jane Congdon, who is now Regional Chairmen Coordinator, a new office to oversee the nine regions into which companies have been organized. Jane was also elected Registrar for the Society at the Fall meeting. Jane (“Xan”) Alexander is our Western Regional Chair; more information will be sent to all governors by their Regional Chairs, who now will liaison between the Society and companies in their areas.
The Jamestowne Society would like to honor our members who have served in the U.S. military and has created a new pin to recognize U.S. military veterans. Governors are to compile lists of veterans in their respective companies. In late February or March, the nine Regional Chairmen are to receive those reports from the governors. Jane Congdon will then compile them to create the Society’s complete veteran list. This is ongoing project and names will continually be added just before each national meeting for updated lists at the meetings.

Veterans standing, wives standing for their husbands and daughters standing for their fathers in recognition of Veterans Day.
First California Company veterans were asked to stand when their name was called, stating their name and branch of service. Also, ladies were asked to stand and give the names and branch of service for their spouses or fathers. The names read were as follows:
George R. Horne, # 7544, Captain, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve. 1958-68 (Not called back on active duty for Vietnam)
John E. Cahoon #6569, Chief Petty Officer, U. S. Navy Reserve, Retired Served aboard the USS Essex CV 9 (Carrier Vessel), during WWII and during the Korean War as well. He stayed in the reserves and retired after 24 years.
Ward C. White, #8651, S/Sgt. U.S. Air Force, Korean War Veteran, Service: 21 July 1949 to 12 December 1952
James A. Shepherd, # 8690, Lt. Col., U. S. Marine Corps, Retired. Vietnam War Veteran.Service: 16 April 1958 to 1 July, 1980.
James H. McCall #5883 Private, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve 1955-59 (Injured and eventually discharged.)
Lieutenant Governor Julie Plemmons advised that our next meeting will be on February 18, 2017, with a Los Angeles-area venue to be advised.
The meeting’s Romantic Twist: Scarlett Stahl and Jim Shepherd announced their engagement, and she slightly sheepishly showed off her engagement ring.

Our youngest member, Lucas Lapp (seven years old) holding tobacco, which was the theme of the speaker’s address.