Message from Governor Scarlett Stahl:

Back row: Sandra Orozco, Chaplain; David Grinnell, Treasurer and Secretary Pro Tem; Jim Shepherd, Historian; Jim McCall, Councilor; and, Martha Pace Gresham, Past Governor and Parliamentarian. Front Row: Marty Sommercamp, Membership Chair; Anita Guenin, Councilor; Scarlett Stahl, Governor; Julie Plemmons, Lieutenant Governor; Donna Chilton Derrick, Past Governor and Councilor.
First California Company’s 2016-18 Council met July 16, 2016 at immediate past Governor Donna Derrick’s home in San Diego. The new Council includes Governor Scarlett Stahl; Lt. Governor Julie Plemmons; Treasurer David Grinnell; Historian Jim Shepherd; Chaplain Sandra Orozco; Membership Chair Marty Sommercamp and Councilors Donna Derrick, Anita Guenin and Jim McCall.
Secretary-elect Michele Chantelle is unable to serve, and the Council subsequently voted to temporarily fill the vacancy with David Grinnell as Secretary (Pro Tem). Erica Hahn has recently volunteered to become our new Secretary. Erica will be introduced to our Council and voted on at our next meeting on November 12 (see below). We are grateful to David for stepping up temporarily but we prefer that no Council member be burdened with more than one position.
Donna Derrick presented the Governor’s Insignia to Scarlett Stahl, and Donna Derrick was presented the Past Governor’s Emblem.
Meeting dates and programs were discussed, and a tentative list is as follows:
- Nov 12th, 2016, at Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel, Buena Park. Details and program to be announced.
- Feb 25, 2017, Los Angeles.
- June 17th, 2017, (annual meeting) Carlsbad.
We will establish committees to help increase members’ participation. Jim Shepherd, David Grinnell and Jim McCall will assist Membership Chair Marty Sommercamp in this effort.