A Pocahontas/Rolfe Descendant Attends Her Ancestors’ 400th Wedding Anniversary

Our First California Company member, Scarlett Stahl, is a descendant of Pocahontas and John Rolfe and attended Historic Jamestown’s April 5 commemoration and reenactment on their 400th wedding anniversary.  She describes her experience in her article published in micechat.com and includes several of her photos.

Other news sources that published accounts include the Washington Post, Colonial Williamsburg and the Hampton Roads Daily Press.

This entry was posted in 1614, 2014, 400th Anniversary Pocahontas Rolfe Wedding, Colonial Williamsburg, Early American History, First California Company, geneaology, Historic Jamestown, Jamestown Rediscovery, Jamestowne Society, News, Pocahontas, Scarlett Stahl, Uncategorized, Updates, Virginia. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to A Pocahontas/Rolfe Descendant Attends Her Ancestors’ 400th Wedding Anniversary

  1. Pingback: Historic Jamestown’s Commemoration Ceremony | First California Company, Jamestowne Society

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