More Photos From Our Pocahontas Wedding Anniversary Commemoration

Here are more photos from our March 2 event in Los Angeles:

Our Speaker, Karenne Wood, With Pocahontas Descendants

Our Speaker, Karenne Wood, With Pocahontas DescendantsDSCN1259Table 2 Pocohauntus ancestorsCharlotte Donna John Martha


table 4

Martha 3.2table 3Tble 5Sandy Grabnddaughter 3.2

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2 Responses to More Photos From Our Pocahontas Wedding Anniversary Commemoration

  1. Anissa Burdett says:

    I recently found out I too am a direct defendant if Pocahontas. She was my great grandmother × 12 ( ?)

    Feel free to contact me relatives. ..
    I would love to learn more.

    Anissa Burdett
    Columbus, Ohio

    • admin2 says:

      Thanks, Anissa. Nice to hear from you.

      You might want to learn about the new World of Pocahontas exhibit and event schedule at Historic Jamestown and drive down there. It should be rewarding for you. The link is

      There are about 75 of your fellow descendants who are members of the Jamestowne Society nationally. You might want to contact the national office to learn whether any live in your area. There is one who is a member of our First California Company with whom I could put you in touch.

      Finally, there is the Society’s First Ohio Company who might also be of help. They have a link on the Society’s website at; go to “About Us” and to “Companies and Leaders”.

      You also might find other fellow descendants by joing and posting on the Jamestowne Society’s Facebook page.

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