We Hear About Stephen Hopkins at our Fall Meeting

The San Diego Yacht Club was the site of our October 20, 2012 meeting. Our program on Stephen Hopkins – After Jamestown and on to Plimouth drew 43 members and guests to hear Kenneth Whittemore, Jr., and Bev Nickerson, two Hopkins descendants, profile their ancestor.

Governor Ginny Gotlieb opened the meeting and received approval of the minutes of our annual meeting on June 30. Those members in attendance received a copy of our new 2102-13 Yearbook, produced by Secretary Julie Plemmons. The attendees introduced themselves.

Governor Gotlieb repeated the need for financial support for the repair and restoration of the 17th century church bell tower (see the Jamestown Archaeology page on our web site.) She reiterated that the Society has established a special fund to which First California Company has donated $500, complemented by several members. Please make your donations payable to The Jamestowne Society (note your check memo as “Bell Tower Restoration Fund”) and send them to Harry Holgate, Treasurer, First California Company, 115 West Fourth Street #208, Long Beach, CA 90802.

Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2013 at the Mission Inn, 3649 Mission Avenue, Riverside CA 92501. The program will be announced soon, members will be notified and details posted on our blog.

Governor Gotlieb also reminded the meeting of the recent publication of Martha W. McCartney’s Jamestown People to 1800, which is available from Genealogical Publishing Company and on Amazon (see our September 3rd post.).

Chaplain Martha Pace Gresham offered a reflection and blessing for the meal.

After lunch, Lieutenant Governor Donna Derrick introduced our two speakers (see below) who presented their program on the life and family of Stephen Hopkins after he departed Jamestown. Following is a summary of their remarks.

 Stephen Hopkins – After Jamestown and on to Plimouth

Stephen Hopkins is best known to Jamestowne Society members as one of the Sea Venture castaways. A shopkeeper in Hampshire, southwest of London, he left his wife and three children for Virginia in 1609, and was famously shipwrecked on Bermuda among those who then came to Jamestown in spring 1610.

He had returned to England by 1617 as a widower. He then remarried and again came to America on the Mayflower in 1620 with his wife and three children (a daughter was born on the trip).

“Pilgrims” was a collective term for the entire group of Mayflower voyagers. He was not a member of the group who were famously seeking religious independence from the Anglican Church (the “Separatists,”) but one of the “Strangers” that the expedition’s financial backers also sent to help assure the success of the new English settlement.

To finance their settlement, the Pilgrims formed a joint-stock company with some 70 English Merchant Adventurers, who obtained a patent for the settlement from the Virginia Company of London, which had also underwritten the founding of Jamestown.

After leaving England in September 1620 and 66 days at sea, the Mayflower made landfall on Cape Cod in early November, but not the destination site of the backers’ patent (in “Northern Virginia” near the mouth of the Hudson River). The Pilgrims’ initial days on landing were extremely trying, and they entered into the Mayflower Compact to cement a mutual political agreement for their governance (which remained in place until 1691); Hopkins was among the signers.

He was a fairly active member of the Pilgrims shortly after arrival, perhaps a result of his being one of the few individuals who previously had been to Virginia.

In March 1621, the first local Indian to welcome them, Samoset, walked into Plymouth and stayed in Hopkins’ house for the night. Hopkins was also sent on several of the ambassadorial missions to meet with the various Indian groups in the region.

The winter of 1620-1621 brought disease and death to many “unseasoned” Plymouth settlers. Almost every household lost a husband, wife or both; almost half the colonists perished. Stephen and Elizabeth Hopkins’ family were one of only three households that did not lose a parent, but among their dead was their baby, Oceanus. At the colony’s lowest ebb, only seven people were healthy enough to tend the sick.

The Mayflower returned to England in April 1621, and the Merchant Adventurers obtained a new, more appropriate patent from King James I, confirming the Pilgrims’ settlement and governance of Plymouth. They were allotted 100 acres for each settler that they had transported.

By 1623, productivity and morale were low after the first few years under the system of communal land ownership and cultivation. The colonists suffered hard times from a drought. They also resorted to fishing or clam digging for subsistence. A few were appointed to hunt deer to be divided among the members of the community.

In March, Governor William Bradford and his advisors decided a change was needed. The land would still be collectively owned, but the leaders assigned one acre to each colonist for their personal subsistence. Under this “1623 Division of Land,” the Hopkins family received six acres of land to cultivate for the six members of the family at that time.

In 1624, John Smith related that Plymouth’s population was about 180 persons and that 32 houses had been built.

1627-1651 is the oldest record book of the Plymouth settlement and begins with the 1623 Division of Land, recorded in the handwriting of Governor William Bradford, which included what was assigned to Hopkins.

While the new land arrangement achieved subsistence level living, the colony was producing few profits. The colony’s chief crop, Indian corn, was traded with Native Americans to the north for highly valued beaver skins that were sold in England to help pay the colony’s debts and buy necessary supplies. However, pirates intercepted and looted two ships loaded with trade goods that were to provide the first payments of its debt. The Merchant Adventurers were becoming increasingly impatient.

Most of the Pilgrims held some stock in the joint-stock company, which negotiated a more favorable contract in 1626. In 1627, five London merchants and 53 Plymouth freemen, including Hopkins, agreed to buy out the Company over a period of years. After 1640, these 58 men – and their heirs – acquired unique privileges regarding land acquisition in the Plymouth Colony.

In 1627, the cattle, “which were the Companies,” were “equally divided to all the persons of the same company…” that included Hopkins and his wife.

Hopkins served as an assistant Governor of Plymouth from 1624 to 1636 and was a respected member of the Pilgrims despite the fact that he did not conform to the strict religious views of the more pious Separatists. The “7 March 1633” list of Plymouth Colony freemen shows Stephen Hopkins near the head of the list.

In 1630, the Puritans, a religious group that differed from Plymouth’s Separatist Pilgrims, came on 11 ships with John Winthrop to settle in Boston and the surrounding area and found the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The principal difference between the groups was that the Separatists were intent on religious independence from the Anglican Church, while the Puritans wanted its radical reform.

Sandwich was the first town settled on Cape Cod, but not by the Pilgrims. 7 men from Saugus village near Boston, including Puritans, founded it, and in 1638, Stephen Hopkins was granted permission by the Plymouth Colony Court to “erect a house at Mattacheese” and to “cut hay to winter.”  Later called Yarmouth, this was the first Pilgrim house on the Cape and Hopkins’ house was the first to be built by an Englishman east of Sandwich.  Stephen’s son, Giles, moved into this house to raise and care for his father’s cattle.  His father never lived on the Cape.

The permanent, authorized settlement of Yarmouth started the next year, in 1639. Of its 22 settlers, only 6 were Pilgrims, including Giles.

In 1639, Stephen Hopkins’ wife died in Plymouth.  He appears in 1641 as one of the “contributors” to a ship being built in the colony and again in 1643 as a juror.

1643 was an important year in Massachusetts. The Plymouth Colony joined with the Massachusetts Bay Colony (the Puritans), Connecticut and New Haven to form the “United Colonies of New England.”

Stephen Hopkins died at Plymouth between 6 June 1644, when his will was made, and 17 July 1644, when the inventory of his estate was taken.  In his will he asked to be buried near his wife, and named his surviving children. The inventory included “diverse books” valued at 12s.

Long-time Governor William Bradford wrote in 1650: “And seeing it hath pleased Him to give me [William Bradford] to see thirty years completed since these beginnings, and that the great works of His providence are to be observed, I have thought it not unworthy my pains to take a view of the decreasings and increasings of these persons and such changes as hath passed over them and theirs in this thirty years…

“Mr Hopkins and his wife are now both dead, but they lived above twenty years in this place and had one son and four daughters born here. Their son became a seaman and died at Barbadoes, one daughter died here and two are married; one of them hath two children, and one is yet to marry. So their increase which still survive are five. But his son Giles is married and hath four children…His daughter Constanta is also married and hath twelve children, all of them living and one of them married.”

Kenneth Whittemore, Jr., retired as a Commander from the U.S. Navy, where he served with the Nurse Corps. He is Governor of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants in California, and on the board of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, headquartered in Plymouth, MA.

Bev Nickerson was Governor of the San Diego Mayflower Colony and state Society newsletter editor.

Governor Gotlieb presented both speakers with copies of The Jamestown Century to commemorate their visit with First California Company.



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Our New Yearbook

Our beautiful new yearbooks are now available to members up to date with their dues.  Dues are $30 for July 2012 – June 2013 and should be sent to Treasurer Harry Holgate, 115 West Fourth Street #208, Long Beach, CA 90802.

The yearbook includes a members’ directory, our by-laws and standing rules and other information.

If you did not attend the October 20 meeting, your yearbook will be held for you to pick up at the January 19 meeting or can be mailed to you.  We thank Julie Plemmons for preparing this useful list of members and other information.

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Stephen Hopkins Descendants Will Speak at our October 20 Meeting

Our October 20 meeting will feature two of his descendants to tell us about Stephen Hopkins – After Jamestown and on to Plimouth.

We will hear from Kenneth Whittemore, Jr., Governor of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants in California, and our First California Friend, Bev Nickerson. Governor Whittemore is also on the board of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, headquartered in Plymouth, MA, and Bev Nickerson was also Governor of the San Diego Mayflower Colony and state newsletter editor.

San Diego Yacht Club Entrance

San Diego Yacht Club Entrance

We will meet at noon on Saturday, October 20, 2012  at San Diego Yacht Club, 1011 Anchorage Lane, San Diego, CA 92106. Advance reservations are required. The cost of the luncheon and meeting is $25. A short general meeting will precede the program.

Please make your reservations by Monday, October 15 with Harry H. Holgate, Treasurer, First California Company, 115 West Fourth Street, #208, Long Beach, CA 90802. Company members can also pay their 2012-13 $30 dues with their reservation.

Click here for a map and directions. When arriving at the Yacht Club’s gate, please announce that you are attending “the Jamestowne Society meeting.” As the club has another major event that day, parking may be limited, so we urge that you carpool.

The story of Stephen Hopkins is unique among both Jamestown early settlers and Mayflower passengers. He first arrived in Jamestown in 1610 among the Sea Venture castaways that had been shipwrecked on Bermuda in 1609-10. He then returned to England before 1617 and came back to America on the Mayflower in 1620. The Sea Venture was the topic of Governor Ginny Gotlieb’s post of January 11, 2011.

Governor Kenneth Whittemore, Jr.

Governor Whittemore will speak on Stephen Hopkins’s return to England, about Caleb Johnson’s discovery of the real Stephen Hopkins birthplace and his first wife Mary, whose ancestral information has just been discovered in the past year.  He will profile the Hopkins children born in England and their family voyage on the Mayflower.   Ken will conclude with Stephen’s life in Plimouth (Plymouth), including his special relationship with the local Indians.

Bev Nickerson

Bev Nickerson will speak about the Hopkins children by both wives, Mary and Elizabeth, including Constance, Giles, Deborah, Damaris, Ruth and the 2nd Elizabeth, as well as their marriages and where they lived.   She will also discuss Ken’s third generation descendants, and hers and her husband’s, Bob.


Members, prospective members and Friends will be receiving their invitations by mail. There will be a menu selection of Pan Seared Mahi Mahi – Wild Rice Pilaf, Seasonal Vegetable, Vera Cruz Sauce, or a Point Loma Steak Salad – Grilled 6 oz. New York Strip, Crisp Romaine, Dried Peaches, Roasted tomato, Green Beans, Red Onion, Crumbled Blue Cheese with Balsamic Ranch Dressing. A vegetarian plate will also be available upon request. You can make your selection with your reservation.

For more information contact Governor Ginny Gotlieb.

Posted in 2012, First California Company, geneaology, Jamestowne Society, News, Stephen Hopkins | 2 Comments

A New Book about our Jamestown Ancestors

We have good news for those who want more details about ancestors who were in Jamestown before 1634 and those who arrived after.

Our good friend and acclaimed author, Martha W. McCartney, who gave us an very informative program October 23, 2010 about Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635, tells us that her publisher has released her newest book, Jamestown People to 1800; Landowners, Public Officials, Minorities, and Native Leaders (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Company, 2012, 556 p)

She advises us, “It’s not a sequel to VI&A, but features Jamestown landowners, public officials, native leaders, and minorities. What I suspect people will find helpful is the introductory section on the formation and evolution of the various counties. Greg Brown did some lovely maps depicting some of the changes that occurred.”

The publisher’s announcement describes the book, and includes price, ordering information and ISBN number for your reference. It also includes a link to an index of all the individuals who are named in the book.

We also featured another of her recent books (Jordan’s Point, Virginia; Archaeology in Perspective, Prehistoric to Modern Times) in our post on November 19, 2011.


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Our New Officers Are Elected and A New Project Is Announced at Our Annual Meeting

Governor Ginny Gotlieb was re-elected for a two-year term at First California Company’s 2012 Annual Meeting on June 30 at Sarducci’s Capistrano Depot Restaurant in San Juan Capistrano.


Chaplain and former Governor Martha Gresham installs our 2012-13 officers

As our other new officers, the members elected Donna Derrick, Lieutenant Governor; Julie Plemmons, Secretary; Harry Holgate, Treasurer; Martha Gresham, Chaplain; Phyllis Kinzle, Registrar and Membership Chair; and, Jim McCall, Historian. Former Governor Joanne Murphy was elected Councilor; the remaining Councilor seats are vacant.

Eleven members were present, as was one prospective member. We also had six Friends and guests.

Harry Holgate and Phyllis Kinzle reported on the Southern California Genealogical Society’s Jamboree on June 8-10 in Burbank. Martha Gresham reported on the Escondido Family Fair in March (see our March 3rd post).

Governor Gotlieb reported on the Jamestowne Society May 12-13 meetings in Williamsburg (see our post of June 1st). The Society is recruiting a new executive director. 

Archaeological dig at the bell tower; (Michael Lavin, Jamestown Rediscovery)

The 17th century bell tower, Jamestown’s sole remaining structure, is in critical need of repairs and maintenance to avoid collapse and serious impairment as the entrance to the 1907 Memorial Church. Mortar is missing, the original bricks are falling out (creating a danger to visitors) and plants are growing in its interior. The Society has agreed to help raise funds from members and companies to assist Jamestown Rediscovery and Historic Jamestown make the needed renovations. The estimated cost is $150,000. 

FCC members voted to contribute $500 to this project from the Company. We will be posting more on this in the coming months. Look for additional information in the next Society newsletter and on the Society website.  Donations may be sent to the First California Company (Harry Holgate, Treasurer, 115 West 4th Street, #208, Long Beach, CA 90802-2312) or directly to the Society.  Indicate that you are affiliated with the First California Company and that the donation is for the Jamestown Church Tower Restoration project.  The Society has a dedicated capital fund account for this purpose.

Treasurer Harry Holgate presented the 2012-13 budget, which was then approved.

Lieutenant Governor Donna Derrick is chairing a by-laws review committee that includes Martha Gresham and Jim McCall.

Historian Jim McCall is revamping the Website and blog.

Governor Gotlieb noted that the Golden State Company received its charter from the Society at the May 12 meeting (see our June 1st post). Cathy Matranga is the organizing Governor and Santa Barbara is noted on the charter as the Company locus.

A new Northern California Company is also being organized (see our June 1stpost.) It expects to receive its charter in November and has scheduled a meeting of charter members for Saturday, October 20 in Berkeley.

Our next meeting will be at the San Diego Yacht Club on Saturday October 20. It will feature a presentation about Stephen Hopkins, the early settler who first arrived in Jamestown in 1610 among the Sea Venture castaways that had been shipwrecked on Bermuda in 1609-10, then returned to England before 1617 and came back to America on the Mayflower in 1620.  Friend Bev Nickerson will join Kenneth Whittemore, Jr. to discuss Hopkins’s life after Jamestown. Whittemore is Governor of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants in California and is also on the board of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, headquartered in Plymouth, MA.

Membership Chair Phyllis Kinzle proposed that we hold our January meeting in Los Angeles at the Magic Castle and will make arrangements. Ideas for future programs were solicited and discussed.

If you have suggestions for our program topics, outings, speakers, or venues,please contact Lt. Governor Donna Derrick.

Governor Ginny Gotlieb flanked by Phyllis and Doug Kinzle

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Our October 20 Meeting on Stephen Hopkins

In another of our series of programs on our ancestors, our October 20 meeting in San Diego will feature a presentation on Stephen Hopkins by our good Friend, Bev Nickerson, and Kenneth Whittemore, Jr., Governor of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants in California. They will focus on Hopkins’s life after Jamestown. He first arrived in Jamestown in 1610 among the Sea Venture castaways that had been shipwrecked on Bermuda in 1609-10, then returned to England before 1617 and came back to America on the Mayflower in 1620.

As preparation for the meeting, Bev reports that she has “just read a wonderful new history book called A Tale of Two Colonies: What really happened in Virginia and Bermuda?” by Virginia Bernhard, which includes Hopkins.

It was published by the University of Missouri Press and is available on Amazon; you can see more information and reviews on those links.

We will post more details about the October 20 meeting in the near future.

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Our Annual Meeting is Saturday, June 30

The Jamestowne Society’s First California Company invites our members and guests to our Installation of Officers, Annual Meeting and Luncheon on Saturday June 30, 2012 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. (Note: The old and new boards will meet at 10:30 am.)
Please make your reservations by June 25 (see below)
Sarduccis Capistrano Depot (in the Amtrak train station) in the Fireside Room.
26701 Verdugo St., San Juan Capistrano.
Driving Directions:
Southbound I-5 to Ortega Highway, exit 82  (CA 74W),
Turn right onto Ortega Highway and follow .3 miles
Take 3rdleft onto Camino Capistrano; go 180 ft.
Turn right onto Verdugo Street.
The depot and restaurant is on your right
Northbound I-5 to Ortega Highway, exit 82 (CA74W)

Turn left onto Ortega Highway and follow directions above.

There is a parking lot on the right and a parking structure adjacent on the left. 
Luncheon: $23 payable to First California Company by June 25, 2012
Annual membership dues for 2012-13 are payable now: $30
Please send luncheon check and/or dues renewal, with your number of reservations, name, phone number, email address and ancestor’s name, plus the name(s) of any guests, to:
Harry Holgate
First California Company Treasurer
115 West Fourth St., #208
Long Beach, California 90802-2312
Please also select from the following luncheon entrees and advise:
·      Sweet Cashew Chicken Salad
·      Paradise Chicken Salad
·      Chicken Shanghai Pasta
·      Poached Salmon Salad
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Governor’s Message – June 2012

Governor Ginny Gotlieb

We’ve had a busy, productive winter and spring and have interesting events coming up.

DATES:  Mark your calendar for the following dates:
June 8-10, 2012Southern California Genealogical Society’s Jamboree at Burbank Airport Marriott. (See our May 24 post for details.)
June 30, 2012 First California Company Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers, Sarducci’s Restaurant in San Juan Capistrano, 10:30 am Board Meeting, 11:30 am Luncheon and Installation of Officers.  (See the Next Meeting list.)
June 30, 2012 – The Queen’s Jubilee High Tea and Garden Party in Hancock Park, Los Angeles (invitations have been sent to Southern California FCC members)
October 20, 2012First California Company Luncheon at San Diego Yacht Club with a talk on Stephen Hopkins by Jamestowne Society member Beverly Nickerson and California’s Mayflower Society Governor Kenneth Whittemore. (See the Next Meetings list.)
November 3, 2012 – Jamestowne Society Luncheon at the Commonwealth Club, Richmond, Virginia
If you have not received your invitation to the June 30th Annual Meeting,  please contact Phyllis Kinzle, Membership Chair and Data Base Manager at fccjamestownemembership@gmail.com.  Reservations and the $23 meal charge should be sent to Treasurer Harry Holgate, at 115 West Fourth St., #208, Long Beach, California 90802-2312
The highlight of our annual meeting will be the installation of officers and a hearty thank you to the outgoing board.  We all appreciate the commitment of time and energy generously given by the 2010-2012 board, councilors, and committee chairs:
Linda Ramos, Harry Holgate, Pat Fleming, Cathie Matranga, Joanne Murphy, Scott and Sandy Krutilek, Martha Gresham, Barbara Skimina, Jim McCall, Tesa Gorszwick, Martha Gresham, and Phyllis Kinzle.
Nominees for the 2012-14 Board are:
Governor                              Ginny Gotlieb
Lt. Governor                        Donna Derrick
Secretary                              Julie Plemmons
Treasurer                             Harry Holgate
Chaplain                              Martha Gresham
Membership                       Phyllis Kinzle                     
Historian                             Jim McCall
Interior of 17th Century Bell Tower
Governor Ginny Gotlieb will report to members at the annual meeting on highlights of the national Governors’ Roundtable meeting in Williamsburg May 11, 2012.  Of greatest significance is the decision to take a request from Jamestown Rediscoveryfor support for the preservation and restoration of the Jamestown Church Tower to Jamestowne Society members. This is the oldest above ground edifice, and the oldest religious building structure, in the US.  Mortar in the church tower is crumbling or missing and in one place plants have rooted high in the wall (as in the photo.) If it is not stabilized soon, it may need to be closed to the public within a few years.  You will hear more about this in coming months. 
Cathie Matranga receives Golden State Company Charter
The Jamestowne Society is steadily adding members in California.  Cathie Matranga served as the First California Company Membership Chair for some years, aiding members interested in proving their Jamestowne ancestor.  As a result of this growth, the Golden State Company was chartered at the national meeting in Williamsburg May 12, 2012.  Cathie Matranga is the Organizing Governor.  This company will draw primarily from Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Louis Obispo, Kern and other central California counties.  Those interested in the Golden State Company may contact her at genecathie@earthlink.net.
Progress is also well underway for the establishment of a company in Northern California where we have a number of loyal members who we have not been able to serve well.  It is anticipated that they will be chartered at the November 3, 2012 national meeting.  An organizing meeting will be held in July.  Michael Phelps of San Francisco is the Organizing Governor.  Those interested in this new company may contact him at phelps@alumni.princeton.edu.
With the creation of the Golden State Company and a Northern California company, the First California Company will become a Southern California company.  I hope that in the future our three California companies may occasionally collaborate on big event programs that can be offered statewide, capitalizing on the strength of membership in California, while offering convenient regional gatherings on a more frequent basis.  We on the West Coast could enjoy a mix of Jamestowne Society opportunities similar to East Coast company members who are able to attend the national luncheons in Richmond and Williamsburg and their local company activities and fellowship.
The English Speaking Union has spearheaded a fundraising celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s sixty years on the throne of England.  A garden party and high tea will be held in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles from 3-6 pm on June 30, 2012.   The British Consul is expected to attend.  We will conclude our luncheon in San Juan Capistrano in time that members may go straight to this event.  All Southern California First California Company members should have received an invitation by email.
I have served as a liaison with the ESU and will represent the Jamestowne Society at the event.  We will display a poster highlighting the Queen’s award to Dr. William Kelso of the highest honor possible for a non-British subject, Commander of the Order of the British Empire.  The poster will tell of Dr. Kelso’s archeology work and show a photo of when he toured the Queen at Jamestown in 2007. (See our forthcoming article on Dr. Kelso’s career and the status of archeology at Jamestown.)
The ESU is an international educational charity with branches in Britain and over fifty other nations.  The Southern California branch is based in Pasadena.  The ESU encourages the effective use and spread of the English language through debates, speaking competitions, student exchange programs, and scholarships.  By establishing the model for English colonization, Jamestown contributed to the establishment of English as the dominant global language. We are honored to participate and to have this opportunity to further promote the importance of Jamestown and Dr. Kelso’s role in discovering and reinterpreting the true history of these first English settlers in America.
The First California Company has represented its and the national Society’s programs at a number of events this spring.  The Governor was recognized at the California State DAR convention as the Jamestowne Society representative and had the opportunity to speak with individuals informally about our activities.  She attended the Jamestowne Society’s Governor’s Roundtable, serving as Secretary-Treasurer.  (Editor’s note: see a recap of the Society’s Spring Meeting at  http://www.jamestowne.org/Jamestowne_Society_May_2012_Meeting_Recap.htm)
Susan and Harry Holgate and Phyllis and Doug Kinzle are staffing the First California Company/Jamestowne Society table at the Southern California Genealogical Society’s Jamboree. Nancy Kilbourn, Cathie Matranga, George Horn, and Ginny Gotlieb were among the FCC members attending the Conejo Valley Genealogical Society’s annual seminar where our brochures were displayed.  Martha and Charlotte Gresham staffed a table at the Escondido Family History Day fair.  Our brochures have been placed in eleven major genealogical libraries throughout the state and in several Family History Centers.  We were mentioned in the spring issue of the Santa Clara County Historical & Genealogical Society newsletter.  If you have a local library or organization that would be an appropriate distribution point for our brochures, let me know (fccjamestownegov@gmail.com) and I will get some to you.
It has been a very busy and productive time! Thank you for your continued support of First California Company.
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Reminder: Southern California Genealogical Society’s 43rd Annual Jamboree is June 8-10

Phyllis and Doug Kinzle

On Friday June 8 through Sunday June 10, First California Company will be at the Southern California Genealogical Society’s 43rd Annual Jamboree at the Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel. Please look for Harry and Susan Holgate on Friday and Phyllis and Doug Kinzle at Table 126 (go to the right as you enter the exhibitors’ hall.)

There will be over 100 classes, special guest speakers and authors, and almost 70 exhibitors, commercial vendors, genealogical societies and heritage societies.  There also will be research experts available throughout the weekend to provide one-to-one consultation.  The first Tech-Trax Workshop will offer concentrated sessions on computer topics.   Additionally, Thursday, June 7 will be a day of hands-on workshops, including the very popular Family History Writers Conference. The 2012 Jamboree Extension Series will offer webinars. Go the link above for the full program and registration forms.

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One of Our Members Visits Virginia

(Editor’s note: We encourage posts like this and other contributions from our members)
First California Company member Scarlett Stahl, who contributed her post on her Pocahontas and Bland ancestry last November, has published an illustrated article recounting her recent Virginia visit, Richmond, James River Plantations and Jamestowne on the Disney park and family travel blog. To read her account, scroll about halfway down the blog’s page.
While in Richmond, she visited the Jamestowne Society headquarters and several other museums and sites. She then went on to Historic Jamestown, the Settlement, and several James River plantations, which are illustrated in her Disney blog piece. The article concludes with informative links to many of the places she visited. 

She sent us these photos (samples of what you’ll see on her Disney blog piece):

Jamestown Society Headquarters in Richmond
Scarlett with Pocahontas Portrait at the Society Headquarters

Historic Jamestown from the James River
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Two Opportunities to Enrich Yourself and Recruit New Prospective Members

Charlotte and Margaret Gresham
Martha and Charlotte Gresham gave us good representation at the Escondido Family History Fair on March 3.  We must express our appreciation to them for serving as examples to help advance First California Company by taking the time from other commitments to literally show the flag for us. Almost 300 registrants crowded the lectures and events.
We now have two other events coming up where we can use volunteers to do the same:
March 24, 2012: The Conejo Valley Genealogical Society Annual Seminar (see our  2/16 post).  This daylong program will feature Dr. John Philip Colletta, one of America’s most popular genealogical lecturers, speaking about using Federal, state and county records.  The program will be held in Thousand Oaks. A description and registration address is at http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cacvgs/Seminar.html
June 8-10, 2012:  Southern California Genealogical Society’s 43rd Annual Jamboree at the Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel. There will be over 100 classes, special guest speakers and authors, and almost 70 exhibitors, commercial vendors, genealogical societies and heritage societies.  There will be research experts available throughout the weekend to provide one-to-one consultation.  The first Tech-Trax Workshop will offer concentrated sessions on computer topics.   Additionally, Thursday, June 7 will be a day of hands-on workshops, including the very popular Family History Writers Conference. The 2012 Jamboree Extension Series will offer webinars. Find the full program and registration forms at   http://www.scgsgenealogy.com/Jamboree/2012jam-home.htm .
Our January 7 event at the National Archives in Riverside impressed their staff, as our speaker, Kerry Bartels, reported to Martha in Escondido.  This may have primed you to attend these forthcoming genealogical societies’ sessions.  Please consider combining your attendance with volunteering at our table. From personal experience, it will be very rewarding and stimulating. Please contact Governor Ginny Gotlieb to offer your services or learn more.
In a related matter, Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter reports that Canterbury Cathedral will publish over a million baptism, marriage and burial records dating back to 1538, showing images of the original parish records of East Kent churches.  Considering that many of the earliest Jamestowne settlers came from this part of England, this can be a treasure trove for extending our family records.  Look for details at this popular British website: findmypast.co.uk. For Eastman’s newsletter, see http://blog.eogn.com.
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Genealogical Meetings of Interest in the Very Near Future

We’d like to remind you of two upcoming genealogy gatherings.  
These offer excellent opportunities to introduce ourselves to prospective members, as well as meet others who share your own interest in genealogy. It is also the easiest and most productive way to be of service to our Society.  Each of these events also has a very interesting program.  
March 3, 2012: The EscondidoFamily History Center’s 8th Annual Family History Fair will be held from 9 AM to 4 PM at 2255 West Felicita Avenue, Escondido, CA. We need members to staff our table, disperse our brochures, and answer questions about the Society and Company activities.
Please join Martha Gresham in representing our Society and Company at this well-attended event.  Last year’s Fair was very productive and led to our recent event at the National Archives. You will find a map, see the program and can register at its website: www.familyhistoryfair.net
The keynote speaker is Kendall Jefferson from Ancestry.com. Please let Governor Ginny Gotlieb know if you plan to attend at fccjamestownegov@gmail.com and if you can help at our table. 
March 24, 2012: Our active prospective member, Bill Hurley, is helping to organize The Conejo Valley Genealogical Society Annual Seminar in Thousand Oaks. 
This daylong program will feature Dr. John Philip Colletta, one of America’s most popular genealogical lecturers, speaking about using Federal, state and county records.  Washington-based Dr. Colletta is on the faculty of several genealogical institutes and, for 20 years conducted workshops for the National Archives and taught courses for the Smithsonian Institution. 
This seminar will be held from 8:30 AM until 3:30 PM at the Ascension Lutheran Church, 1600 E. Hillcrest Dr., Thousand Oaks, CA 91362.
For a map and more information, please go to http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cacvgs/Seminar.html
Posted in 2012, geneaology, Gotlieb | Comments Off on Genealogical Meetings of Interest in the Very Near Future