Sweet Virginia Tobacco

By Jim Shepherd

When the first settlers came to Virginia in 1607, their main problem was food; the 1609-10 winter was known as the Starving Times. They had trouble trading with the local Indian tribes for food.

It is not mentioned in history books, but they must have had an area like Boston Common; a place where they could raise a garden and pasture for livestock.

The Spanish were already selling tobacco in Europe. The first plant was brought to England in 1565, and by the 1610’s there was a ready market in England, especially for Spanish tobacco from the West Indies.

The local Indians raised tobacco for ceremonial purposes, but the English did not care for its bitterness. In 1611, John Rolfe, who would marry Pocahontas, obtained some Spanish seeds from a ship’s captain. By 1612, he was growing a hybrid of the sweeter Spanish tobacco and the local variety, which would be then known in England forever as the Virginia blend. The exact location of his crop was is not known, but it was probably on Jamestowne Island.

In 1619, the first General Assembly enacted requirements for the inspection of tobacco and mandated the creation of port towns and warehouses.

In the meantime, the settlers found that tobacco would grow well in Virginia and sell profitably in England. This was wonderful news, considering that many of the Jamestown colonists had died or suffered miserably as their farming efforts had been relatively unsuccessful. The potential cash value of tobacco soon captured imaginations throughout Virginia and the greater Chesapeake. They began to plant it in every available clearing, from fields to the forts and streets of Jamestown and, eventually, much of Tidewater Virginia. “Dominating the Virginia economy after 1622, tobacco remained the staple of the Chesapeake colonies, and its phenomenal rise is one of the most remarkable aspects of our colonial history.”

If you have ever been involved in clearing land of trees, you know it is a difficult task. Removing a stump from your yard with modern tools is a lot of work. The early settlers had only hand tools. They would have cut the trees for building materials and firewood and left the stumps. They would “ring” the trees to kill them, let light in, and then cut them down later. In the meantime, they planted crops around them.

When I was 9 to 12 years old, I lived on a small farm in Western Montana. We had an area that the trees had been cut down and the stumps left. My mother wanted to expand the hay field.

Old MuleI spent all winter of 1950-51 burning stumps. A few times I could talk the neighbor out of some dynamite. That was fun; break up those big pine stumps and they burn faster.  Behind the hay barn at right is where the small trees were that I cleared. It seems to me that, in 2014, the old mule came to check me out and get a nose pat.

In early Virginia, the settlers built small mounds to place the seeds on and covered them with brush. It was not the pretty cultivated land you see today.

Eventually the stumps would rot out or the settlers would burn them during the winter.

Tobacco is labor intensive. Each slave or indentured servant working on a tobacco plantation in colonial days may have planted, weeded and harvested about two acres of cleared land with 9-10,000 plants, requiring bending over perhaps 50,000 times.

Tobacco wears out the land, exhausting minerals and nutrients from the soil. The first Virginia colonists to acquire ownership of land were in a position to gain great wealth, as they could abandon old fields and plant in fresh ones that would produce great quantities of the crop. The old land would take 10-20 years to recover.

Here is a typical description of a land patent: “Scarlett’s Choice. 400 acres lying south of the James River between the third and fourth creeks below the falls.” The falls of the James River prevented ships going any further upstream.

They needed land and labor. Importing indentured servants for head rights provided them with 50 acres for each one, which created both a labor force and more land to cultivate. The supply of interested immigrants from England declined after the end of English Civil War and when Charles II reclaimed the throne in 1660. Religious and economic refugees were recruited from France and Germany. They had to be Protestants, as Virginia required that they had to attend the Anglican Church. That often meant that they were French Huguenots; many Huguenots had fled to Germany, where they intermarried, and emigrated to Virginia. By 1700, it was clear that the Virginia leaders had committed to getting their labor from Africa. Virginia had a strange law. If your mother was a free woman, you were born free; it did not make a difference who your father was. Something was going on behind the barn. Inter-racial marriages were against the law and, in many states, until the 1970’s.

You have to continually pick off the tobacco worms.

I had a friend that grew up in Tennessee. Her father raised tobacco. Every morning, she and her little sister took a coffee can of soapy water to the field. They went down every row picking tobacco worms. When they were finished, they made a count to see who the winner was that day. They could then tell their father. She who won received the most praise that day.

In addition to that, once the plants want to bloom, you have to remove the flower stems (suckers), so they devote their energy to the leaves. They grow back about as fast as tobacco worms multiply.

Tobacco Shed

Tobacco Shed

I have lived in Virginia, traveled through NC and SC. I have seen tobacco growing but never in bloom. Two years ago I raised some to see the flowers. I have a 17th century yard, bare dirt, flowers and aloe.

That story follows.


Moving outside to harden

Moved outside to harden


Their New Home

Their New Home


Getting ready to bloom and a bug bite

Getting ready to bloom and a bug bite


What I went through all the work for

What I went through all the work for


Going to seed; I have 1000's

Going to seed; I have 1000’s

You can sun dry or air dry, I did both. I started to see little holes. Eggs hatching little worms!!!

You can sun dry or air dry, I did both. I started to see little holes. Eggs hatching little worms!!!

These are hands; when they are limp, an expert can use a leaf to tie them together

These are hands; when they are limp, an expert can use a leaf to tie them together

My daughter-in-law’s father was born and raised West Virginia. His father had a tobacco patch. He was the oldest son and worked with his father as long as he can remember. As the oldest son he had to sleep in the tobacco barn during the winter to keep a fire going so it would continue to dry and cure.

When he graduated from high school, he joined the Navy to get away from all of that.

I may be the only tobacco planter in the Company or have seen it in bloom. It is labor intensive.  I could fix everyone up with at least 50 seeds.

The only tobacco planter in the comnpany

The only tobacco planter in the company

Jim Shepherd is First California Company’s Historian 

Posted in 2016, Agriculture, Early American History, First California Company, First California Compoany, Jamestowne Society, Jim Shepherd, John Rolfe, News, Planter, Tobacco, Uncategorized, Virginia | Comments Off on Sweet Virginia Tobacco

Our New 2016-18 Council

Message from Governor Scarlett Stahl:

Back row: Sandra Orozco, Chaplain; David Grinnell, Treasurer and Secretary Pro Tem; Jim Shepherd, Historian; Jim McCall, Councilor; and, Martha Pace Greshan, Past Governor and Parliamentarian. Front Row: Marty Sommercamp, Membership Chair; Anita Guenin, Councilor Scarlett Stahl, Governor; Julie Plemmons, Lieutenant Governor; Donna Chilton Derrick, Past Governor and Councilor.

Back row: Sandra Orozco, Chaplain; David Grinnell, Treasurer and Secretary Pro Tem; Jim Shepherd, Historian; Jim McCall, Councilor; and, Martha Pace Gresham, Past Governor and Parliamentarian. Front Row: Marty Sommercamp, Membership Chair; Anita Guenin, Councilor; Scarlett Stahl, Governor; Julie Plemmons, Lieutenant Governor; Donna Chilton Derrick, Past Governor and Councilor.

First California Company’s 2016-18 Council met July 16, 2016 at immediate past Governor Donna Derrick’s home in San Diego. The new Council includes Governor Scarlett Stahl; Lt. Governor Julie Plemmons; Treasurer David Grinnell; Historian Jim Shepherd; Chaplain Sandra Orozco; Membership Chair Marty Sommercamp and Councilors Donna Derrick, Anita Guenin and Jim McCall.

Secretary-elect Michele Chantelle is unable to serve, and the Council subsequently voted to temporarily fill the vacancy with David Grinnell as Secretary (Pro Tem). Erica Hahn has recently volunteered to become our new Secretary. Erica will be introduced to our Council and voted on at our next meeting on November 12 (see below). We are grateful to David for stepping up temporarily but we prefer that no Council member be burdened with more than one position.

Donna Derrick presented the Governor’s Insignia to Scarlett Stahl, and Donna Derrick was presented the Past Governor’s Emblem.

Meeting dates and programs were discussed, and a tentative list is as follows:

  • Nov 12th, 2016, at Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel, Buena Park. Details and program to be announced.
  • Feb 25, 2017, Los Angeles.
  • June 17th, 2017, (annual meeting) Carlsbad.

We will establish committees to help increase members’ participation. Jim Shepherd, David Grinnell and Jim McCall will assist Membership Chair Marty Sommercamp in this effort.

Posted in Donna Derrick, Early American History, First California Company, Jamestowne Society, News, Officers and councilors, Scarlett Stahl | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Our New 2016-18 Council

New Member Lucas Lapp 

Lucas Lapp headBy Jim Shepherd

He really is not that new, he has been a member of Jamestowne for about a year, a member of the Company since May of this year; you just have not met him.

He is by far the youngest at age seven and in the second grade.

He is an interesting little character. He has always loved books. When you could sit him on your lap to read to him after you read the page, named everything and try to turn the page he would slap your hand. “I want to study this more and I will turn the page when I am ready.”

When he could sit up by himself, all you had to was dump him on floor with a pile of books and he entertained himself.

His grandmother died when he was 21 months’ old. He would come in and go running to see her. I moved all furniture around so he would not expect her in her chair.  About a month later he looked at me and said, “Nana is up with stars”. I said, “Yes”. He has never mentioned her again.

Then his mother got him a book on Dinosaurs. He learned their names. That was his passion for quite a while and brought the book with him. I can’t tell one from another let alone pronounce their names.

We went through bugs, birds, and I lost track. His father took him up to Temecula to pan for gold. His bucket had two flakes. Now he has his own pan for when they go camping in the mountains. They are always going to the beach and bought him a metal detector for Christmas.

His first find on the beach was a half full pint of whiskey. He was pretty proud of it. His mother, with no sense of humor, poured out the booze and insisted on washing it before it went home. Ladies, if you lost your $10,000.00 engagement ring on the beach, he is still looking

Lucas Lapp King TutThen King Tut came to town. He got a book on him. Made up his mind he wants to go to Egypt to dig for gold and old bones. For his 6th birthday party, he wanted an ancient Egypt theme. His parents complied; he and his little cousins were wrapped in toilet paper.  

He  is also into Legos. The first time I watched him put a box together, I could not figure out what he was doing. The little rascal was reading the directions. Men don’t do that, that is the last resort.

He may sound like a book worm, but he is pretty well balanced. He likes to go for walks and hiking with his parents, plays baseball. Walks the dog.

Likes school, reading, writing and math.

His life Membership in Jamestowne is  a lifelong gift, which I hope he will always enjoy.

Lucas Lapp girl

He and this little girl are members of the Huguenot Society of the Colony of Virginia. He was 4 months old and she was about 3 years at the time.

When I showed him this picture, I told him I have partner for you. She speaks French and English and is halfway there. There is nothing wrong with older women.

Jim Shepherd is First California Company’s Historian

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We Exhibited at the Southern California Genealogical Jamboree

By Scarlett Stahl

Once again, First California Company participated in the Southern California Genealogical Jamboree, one of the premier national events of its kind, which is put on annually by the Southern California Genealogical Society.


Governor-elect Scarlett Stahl with long-time members Scott and Sandy Krutilek

The 2016 Jamboree was held June 3-5 at the Burbank Marriott and 1,500 registrants received our brochure. We arranged for our table for Saturday June 4, where we displayed our copies of the Adventures of Purse and Person, the current Roster of Qualifying Ancestors and magazines and other information material. Long-time and knowledgeable members Scott and Sandy Krutilek joined me in managing the table throughout the day.

One Jamboree visitor who lived in the Jamestown area noticed our Save the James poster and asked what it was all about.  When Sandy Krutilek started her narrative, she said, “Dominion Power is my power company.”  The visitor was stunned and very angry.  Residents in her area have not heard the plans to build power lines across the James River.  Dominion has not informed their customers according to the visitor.  She wondered why she had to find out “by accident” in California, but not in Virginia.

Twelve visitors signed up to obtain more information as they thought they had ancestors in Virginia during 1607- 1700. All enjoyed being able to sit down and study Adventurers of Purse and Person. As there are a limited number of people that can qualify for the requirements, there were not that many signers, though many wished they were. Many of those who found they weren’t eligible were still informed about the Save the James project and were instructed on how join us in our opposition, along with many other national organizations, including the National Park Service, Preservation Virginia and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Most of the visitors had signed up for various classes throughout the day and our table was convenient when they were passing by. Many came back to talk and look thru our books after their classes.

Posted in Early American History, First California Company, Genealogical Help, geneaology, Jamestowne Society, News, Qualified Ancestor, Save the James, Scarlett Stahl, SoCal Genealogical Jamboree | Comments Off on We Exhibited at the Southern California Genealogical Jamboree

We Held Our 2016 Annual Meeting and Council Elections

We met May 21, 2016 at the Officers’ Club at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station, San Diego for a joint meeting with the Mayflower Descendants of San Diego. Our program was a presentation of a history of the flags of the United States by the National Sojourners. About 70 attended, including seven Stephen Hopkins descendants who are eligible for both societies.

Following lunch, we adjourned for our 2016 Annual Meeting. Because Governor Donna Derrick, immediate past Governor and Councilor Ginny Gotlieb, Historian Scarlett Stahl and Julie Plemmons were in Williamsburg for the Society’s spring meetings, Martha Gresham, organizing Governor, presided and called our meeting to order at 1:35 PM.

Seventeen persons were in attendance, including three guests. New members Jim Shepherd and Robert Holcombe were introduced and each briefly discussed his lineage.

DD2 @ Williamsburg_2Sandra Orozco read Governor Donna Derrick’s Report, as follows:

“I am very sorry not to be with you today as we elect new Officers and hear reports from activities of this past year. I want to thank each of you for making this a successful year for our First California Company of the Jamestowne Society.

“We have completed all that has been asked of us by our National Headquarters and even more.

“One of our most important efforts has been to oppose the application of Dominion Power Company to the U S Army Corps of Engineers to place 300’ electric towers across the James River. Some of these towers will have red blinking lights 24/7 that will be visible from Jamestowne Island and the Colonial Parkway between Williamsburg and Jamestowne Island. We were invited to become a ‘Consulting Party’ by the Corps of Engineers who must approve the permit to build these towers. Our efforts have been led by Jim McCall who has written many letters and participated in conference calls.

“I feel partially due to our presence and pressure, Jamestowne Society finally came out against these lines within the past year. Again Jim helped draft their presentation at the public forum held last fall.

“I think we can be proud of our Company for taking an early stand against these visible power lines that evidenced national interest in this issue. I hope we will continue to urge the power company to use other methods to take power lines across the James River in view of our historic Jamestowne Island.

“We have welcomed 7 new members this past year. To them I say that we are proud and pleased to have you as a member of our Company, and appreciate the effort you have put forth to complete your paperwork.

“To our members of longer standing, your support of our Company means everything and you are what has made this Company a success. What the newer members may not know is that for several years, we were the only Company in the entire state of California. Then about three or four years ago, new companies were formed in northern California and the Santa Barbara area. These two new companies really ate into our membership but we have re-built with new members and renewed interest in Jamestowne, the first English speaking settlement in this new world.

“I think you will agree that we have enjoyed diversified programs this past year, and I am sure of more to come.   This also has sparked interest, as attendees want to learn more about Jamestowne and its inhabitants. As this Administration comes to a close, I know each of you join with me in looking forward to further growth for our Company in both membership and learning about our Jamestowne. I thank each of you for your support these past two years.”

Donna Chilton Derrick

Treasurer Suzy Leif presented her 2015-16 financial report and budget for 2016-17.  Chaire Murphy gave the Chaplain’s report. Jim McCall reported on the status of the effort to encourage the US Army Corps of Engineers to deny Dominion Power’s permit application. We are awaiting further word from USACE. He emphasized that we were just one of seventeen Consulting Parties that were advising the Corps, which include the National Park Service, National Trust for Historic Preservation and Preservation Virginia.

Mrs. Gresham noted that the Genealogical Jamboree is to be held at the Burbank Marriott June 3rd, 4th and 5th. Scarlett Stahl and Sandy and Scott Krutilek will be managing our table, and our brochures will again be in the bags of all registrants, estimated at 1,500.

We elected the following to the Council for 2016-17, to take office July 1:

  • Governor: Scarlett Stahl
  • Lieutenant Governor: Julie Plemmons
  • Chaplain: Sandra Orozco
  • Secretary: Michele Chatelle
  • Treasurer: David Grinnell
  • Membership Chair: Marty Sommercamp
  • Historian: Jim Shepherd
  • Councilors: Jim McCall, Anita Guenin and Donna Derrick
Martha Gresham and new Council Members who were present

Martha Gresham and new Council Members who were present: Sandra Orozco, Michele Chatelle, Jim Shepherd and Jim McCall

Posted in 2016 Annual Meeting and Elections, Donna Derrick, Elections, First California Company, geneaology, Gotlieb, Jamestowne Society, Membership, New Members, News, Officers and councilors, Scarlett Stahl, SoCal Genealogical Jamboree, Stephen Hopkins, Updates | Comments Off on We Held Our 2016 Annual Meeting and Council Elections

A Visit to St. George’s Church, Gravesend, England

My friend, Carol Burgen, Miss Mary Pugh (assistant to the Reverend), Reverend Chris and me at the back of the church

My friend, Carol Burgen, Miss Mary Pugh (assistant to the Reverend), Reverend Chris and me at the back of the church. In the background is a quilt of Pocahontas

By Scarlett Stahl

As the First California Company’s  historian, I emailed the Reverend Canon Chris Stone, Rector of Gravesend in England to arrange a visit to St. George’s Church, where my 10th great grandmother, Pocahontas is buried. Reverend Chris graciously agreed to meet me at the train and show me the church. The distance between London and Gravesend is about 30 miles and time by train can vary, with stops it is about an hour ride. True to his word, he did indeed meet me and we walked thru the town to the Church, where a choir was practicing.

Reverend Chris shared that in March 1617, the Rolfes prepared to leave London on Argall’s ship the “George”. They were to return with Virginia’s Governor and his family. At this stage Pocahontas’ health was deteriorating, as were most Indians in the party. Pocahontas was brought ashore at Gravesend, either dead or dying and is believed to have been buried in the vault beneath the chancel of the local parish church –

St. George’s: The original church was destroyed by fire on 24th August 1727 and later rebuilt. In 1896 the memorial tablet to Pocahontas was put in the chancel of St. George’s Church, as were the stained glass memorial windows in 1914.

In 1923 a Virginian received permission to search for the remains of Pocahontas, but found nothing conclusive. There is an entry in the Gravesend St. George composite parish register that records the burial of Princess Pocahontas on 21 March 1616/1617. The entry reads: “Rebecca Wroth wyffe [i.e. wife] of Thomas Wroth/ gent[leman] [i.e.gentleman] a Virginia [America] Lady borne [i.e. born] was buried/ in the Chauncell[i.e. chancel].”

(Her husband was John Rolfe and her son was Thomas Rolfe, so this was was an error.) Reverend Chris said that there will be a celebration on March 21, 2017 to commemorate her death in Gravesend and he will be coming to the States to gather memorabilia for the occasion.

St George’s Church, Pocahontas Statue and Pocahontas Gardens with Reverend Chris Stone and me.

St George’s Church, Pocahontas Statue and Pocahontas Gardens with Reverend Chris Stone and me.

Inside the church with the choir practicing

Inside the church with the choir practicing

The south window represents the figure of Ruth and the north Rebecca, the name she took at her baptism. Both incorporate cartouches of Pocahontas, also depicted are her baptism in one and Ruth accompanying Naomi in the other. Within the borders one sees American plants: Virginia creeper, dogwood saragas and redbud

The south window represents the figure of Ruth and (below) the north Rebecca, the name she took at her baptism. Both incorporate cartouches of Pocahontas, also depicted are her baptism in one and Ruth accompanying Naomi in the other. Within the borders one sees American plants: Virginia creeper, dogwood, saragas and redbud


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Our 2016 Annual Meeting will be May 21 in San Diego

We will hold a joint meeting of First California Company, Jamestowne Society and the San Diego Colony Mayflower Descendants at 11 AM on Saturday, May 21, 2016 to be followed by our Annual Meeting and Council elections. It will be held at the Commissioned Officers Club, US Marine Corps Air Station, Miramar; 4472 Anderson Ave.Commissioned Officers' Club, MCAS Niramar


11:00 AM Check in

11:30 Introductions and Joint Meeting Program: Historical Flags by National Sojourners, Inc.

12:15 Luncheon: Choice: Chicken Piccata or Gluten Free Pasta Primavera;

Cost: $25; children: $20.

Following Luncheon: First California Company: Annual Meeting and Council Election

Reservations must be made by Saturday, May 14, 2016. To do so, please make your check payable to SD Colony Mayflower and send it to:

Jan Quigley, Treasurer, 1514 Malaga Way, Fallbrook, CA 92028-4063

Email: Tbirdfor2@roadrunner.com

Please list all names to be included in the reservation.

Questions? Please contact Councilor Anita Guenin at acguenin@mac.com

This meeting is being held at an active military facility that maintains high security precautions. The only access is by the Main (East) Gate from Kearney Mesa Road. Please be prepared to show Identification, including driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance.

Directions to Officer’s Club (4472 Anderson Ave.):

EAST (Main) GATE DIRECTIONS: From I-15 north and south: Exit I-15 at Miramar Way and drive West to the East Gate. Proceed West on Miramar Way until you reach Anderson Avenue, and then turn right (north). Head north until you see the Officer’s Club on your left.

From Miramar Road: Turn right at Kearney Villa Road and go south to Miramar Way, then drive West to the East Gate. Proceed West on Miramar Way until you reach Anderson Avenue, and then turn right (north). Head north until you see the Officer’s Club on your left.


Posted in 2016 Annual Meeting and Elections, First California Company, Jamestowne Society, Membership, Officers and councilors, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Our 2016 Annual Meeting will be May 21 in San Diego

Our Winter Meeting Will be in Pasadena on February 27

Brookside Golf Club

Brookside Golf Club

Our 2016 winter meeting and luncheon will be held Saturday February 27, 2016 at 12 noon for all members, prospective applicants and friends at Brookside Golf Club’s Rose Room, 1133 Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91103. Guests are always welcome.

Deborah McIntosh will present our program: A Visit with Matoaka– Native American Princess a/k/a Pocahontas and Lady Rebecca Rolfe. She is the founder of History Through the Eyes of Women.  Debbie portrays over 70 famous women for schools and groups throughout Southern California. She will discuss how Matoaka (Pocahontas) befriended the colony of Jamestowne and how the new colony influenced the rest of her life.

 Mrs. McIntosh was graduated from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and a Master of Arts in International Relations. She worked for USC for nearly 10 years and served as the president of all the alumni clubs worldwide in 1997. She is currently the past-president of the Trojan League of San Fernando Valley and President of the USC Alumni Club of the Santa Clarita Valley, Board of Governors Emeriti for the Alumni Association, as well as a USC voluntary recruiter and ambassador.

She also worked for Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech/NASA, and served as the official lecturer for Forest Lawn Museum – Forest Lawn Memorial Parks, after having worked for four years as “Betsy Ross” at Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills for the annual Presidents’ Day education program. She served five times as president of the American Association of University Women, and founded the AAUW Women in History Program in 1987.

Luncheon: Italian Buffet.

Cost $40. Please make your check payable to First California Company, Jamestowne Society. Mail to Suzanne Leif, Treasurer; 3345 Hopi Place, San Diego, CA 92117. It must be received by Saturday, February 13, 2016. Please include your guests’ names.

For questions: please contact suzyleif@gmail.com or phone: 619-922-9823.

Brookside Golf Club is just north of the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Phone number for Brookside Golf Club: 626-577-4497



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John Smith’s Remembrance of an Unexpectedly Merry Christmas

The Little Ice Age made early 17th century winters very difficult in England, but especially in Virginia. Unlike our days of rain, and chill, the Thames and James would freeze over in those days, so this reprinted account of Remembering Capt. John Smith’s 1608-09 Christmas holiday visit to Kecoughtan from the Newport New Daily Press is especially instructive of what kind of environment our ancestors then faced.


Posted in 1607, 1608, Daily Press, Early American History, Historic Jamestown, Historical Notes, John Smith, News, Virginia | Comments Off on John Smith’s Remembrance of an Unexpectedly Merry Christmas

Increasing Opposition to Proposed James River Transmission Line Project

The Virginia Gazette reports that two federal agencies have increased their concerns about Dominion Power’s proposed transmission line project in the James River.

A letter from the head of the National Park Service to the Commanding General of the Corps of Engineers urges the Corps to deny the utility’s application for a permit and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation says that the “…Corps must keep in mind that the adverse effects resulting from this undertaking, including alteration of the setting of and longterm cumulative effects on nationally significant historic properties.”

These comments validate our 11/4 letter comment to the Corps.

Posted in 2015, DowntotheWire.org, First California Company, Historic Jamestown, Jamestowne Society, National Trust For Historic Preservation, Save the James, Uncategorized, Updates, Virginia Gazette | Comments Off on Increasing Opposition to Proposed James River Transmission Line Project

Our Fall Meeting was Held November 21

Governor Donna Derrick and new members Marty Sommercamp, Jeffrey Tebeau and Michele Chatelle

Governor Donna Derrick and new members Marty Sommercamp, Jeffrey Tebeau and Michele Chatelle

We held our 2015 fall meeting on Saturday, November 21 in Anaheim. Governor Donna Derrick presided as 28 members and guests attended and heard Dr. Mark Hanna, Associate Professor of History at University of California, San Diego discuss early colonial maritime history. He has authored a new book, Pirates Nests and the Rise of the British Empire, 1570-1740.

Membership Chair Linda Ramos welcomed new members Marty Sommercamp, Michele Chatelle and Jeffrey Tebeau. We enrolled eight new members in 2015, four of whom attended the meeting. A moment of remembrance was held for organizing member Ann Beinert who passed away July 19, 2015 at the age of 96 years young.

Historian Scarlett Stahl reported she had received records of the Company’s first year from the first Governor Dee Rickards. Governor Derrick read a report from Councilor Jim McCall on the status of the efforts to protect the James River viewshed from the proposed transmission line project by Dominion Virginia Power.

The Company voted to have a complimentary table at Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree on Saturday June 5, 2016 in Burbank. We will again have our FCC brochures included in all registration packets. 

Our next meeting will be on February 27, 2016 at the Brookside Golf Club in Pasadena, near the Rose Bowl. Please watch our website’s News and Meetings pages for details.IMG_5760IMG_5759

Posted in 2015 Fall Meeting, Donna Derrick, Early American History, Fall 2015 Meeting, First California Company, geneaology | Comments Off on Our Fall Meeting was Held November 21

Announcing Another New Member, but Long-Time Friend

Marty Sommercamp

Marty Sommercamp

Martha “Marty” Cleveland Sommercamp, a long-time Friend of First California Company, recently was enrolled as both a member of the Society and our Company. Her ancestor is Reverend Robert Braswell.

She submitted this profile for us:

I grew up in a military family. My father was an officer in the U.S. Navy and a big history buff. He read mostly non-fiction history books about wars and every book on the Civil War. I am sure he was an expert, as he seemed to know a lot about each place we visited. Because of his interest, every time we moved, which was frequently, he would take us to battlefields or places of historical interest along the way. I had been to almost every famous battlefield in the USA by the time I was 10. He would tell us that the Cleveland family had fought in Colonial Wars, the French and Indian Wars, the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. He also told us that supposedly the Clevelands had been original Jamestown settlers. Best of all, the original Cleveland brothers were the illegitimate sons of Oliver Cromwell and Lady Elizabeth Cleveland. They were sent here because they would have no future in England.

Later, when my dad retired from the USN, we started working on genealogy together before the Internet. It sparked my interest, so I have spent the last ten years working to establish my genealogy.

After I joined the DAR, I started the process of finding the Cleveland who landed in Jamestown. Unfortunately, family lore was not exactly correct, as the Clevelands were not listed as qualifying ancestors. No early records exist for them, although they were nearby in Orange County.   I wasn’t too worried, as I had the Graves line in the family tree. Alas, my Graves’ line was closed to new members. For five years, I have tried various family lines without success…. always a missing piece of information.

A little over a year ago, I contacted the Jamestowne Society to find a genealogist to help me in my search. I worked with someone who actually lives in the area where my ancestors had a plantation. For over 15 months, she tried various lines in my family. Finally, last June she was able to establish a qualifying ancestor for me to use in the application process.

Reverend Robert Braswell was an Oxford-trained Anglican clergyman. He was born in Middlesex, England, before October 1611. He was living on the Isle of Wight on the Pagan River in 1652. He was elected to serve as a Burgess, but he was declared ineligible, as he was the rector of Isle of Wight Lower Parish and the leader of St. Luke’s Church. He married Faith Braswell in England, and then married Rebecca Izard. He died on May 1, 1668. I descend through his son, Richard. No one in our family had ever mentioned the Braswell name as ancestors!

I am so pleased to finally be a member of the Jamestowne Society. Thanks to Joanne Murphy for inviting me to join and to both Donna Derrick and Julie Plemmons, who both helped me so much. Donna started me on this journey during a visit to her home several years ago. I went in her office and saw the evidence of all the organizations she belongs to in frames on the wall. I started asking her how you qualify for all the various groups. As Donna gave me an overview, I kept saying I thought I could join this group or another. I am now a member of a dozen societies. (DAR, USD1812, Colonial Dames, Daughters of American Founders and Patriots, Daughters of American Colonists, Daughters of Colonial Wars, Daughters of Indian Wars, Southern Dames, Colonial Clergy, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and Dames of the Court of Honor) Julie has been such a great resource; I could not have done this without her. And best of all, I gained new friends from the process.

I have lived in Solana Beach for over 30 years. We moved here when my husband retired from the USAF. I am a graduate of San Diego State University and have a Masters Degree from the University of Southern California. I worked for many years in the public sector as an employee benefits specialist. I am the mother of two sons. John Owen is a FBI agent in Sacramento, and James is a firefighter in El Dorado Hills. I have 4 grandchildren, who will be eligible to join the Jamestowne Society as 14th generation descendents of a Jamestowne ancestor.



Posted in 2015, Biography, First California Company, Genealogical Help, geneaology, Jamestowne Society, Membership, New Members, News, Qualified Ancestor | Comments Off on Announcing Another New Member, but Long-Time Friend